Rathje Woodward LLC Article Published in DCBA Brief
RW attorneys Karen Mills and Amanda Zannoni authored an article entitled “Remote Notarization in the Age of COVID-19” which was published in the February issue of the DCBA Brief.
RW attorneys Karen Mills and Amanda Zannoni authored an article entitled “Remote Notarization in the Age of COVID-19” which was published in the February issue of the DCBA Brief.
Rathje Woodward is comprised of experienced lawyers dedicated to their clients’ success. We practice throughout the United States and maintain offices in Wheaton, Illinois. To learn more about Rathje Woodward LLC, visit rathjelaw.com or call their office at 630-668-8500. Our online contact form may be found here.
What’s the best way to leave assets to minor children? Should children receive equal assets? What’s a Pot Trust? What should be considered if my child is married? These and other questions are answered by ACTEC Fellows in this short video.